
From our wonderful lake views to quick access to Chicago and Milwaukee, 学生们分享了很多他们相爱的原因 Carthage’s location. 下面是他们的回答. 


所有访客都将收到一张 每年$1,000参观补助金 ($4,000 over four years, one visit grant per student) as part of their Carthage financial aid package for full-time enrollment. A virtual visit counts!

Schedule your visit! 


1. The view.

我们的后院是密歇根湖的海岸线, 我们的五大湖提供了一些非常令人惊叹的景色. Think Intellectual Foundations classes on the beach. Lake views from the labs. 对于那些不熟悉密歇根湖的人, let’s get one thing straight: Lake Michigan spans 118 miles from east to west, 所以你看不到另一面. “It’s like being on the ocean,” says Carthage graduate and now admissions representative Rob Schiferl ’97. 我们甚至还有一个帆船俱乐部.



2. 太阳从你的宿舍升起

我们的许多宿舍都有湖景. Emily Van Dixhorn ’26 同意房间旁边有个湖是最好的. “我喜欢湖上的微风,而且离我的宿舍很近!“把你最喜欢的宿舍日出发到Instagram上 我们的学生经常这样做.


3. 当你学习时海浪的声音

不要只看密歇根湖. Listen to it. Students talk about how they love the sounds of Lake Michigan — both the roar of the waves on windy days and the lapping of water against the rocks on calm days. 这是学习的完美背景音乐, napping, talking with friends, 或者认真思考你的未来. “我喜欢任何能听到海浪撞击的地方. Sometimes, 那是在我宿舍看书, and other times, that’s outside sitting in one of the iconic red chairs along our beautiful lakefront,” said Madison Bazylewicz ’26.


Carthage student Evan Blievernicht interned at Snap-on Tools, one of the many global companies he...

4. 当你在这里实习的时候

Internships 是大学的重要组成部分吗, and often open doors for employment and graduate school admission after graduation. Because Carthage is located within an hour’s drive of two major cities — Milwaukee on the north and Chicago on the south — there’s a long list of nearby companies interested in hiring. 举几个例子:雅培制药公司, Kraft Foods, Uline, Johnson Controls, 以及威斯康辛儿童医院. Right here in Kenosha, you’ll find the world headquarters for Jockey International and Snap-on Incorporated, 庄臣的总部距离拉辛校区15分钟路程.

The Aspire Center gives students opportunities to network and learn more about jobs in the area.

5. 毕业后的工作机会

我们说的那些实习的好处? The same applies to full-time employment (only now add in getting paid and receiving benefits!). Carthage graduates don’t have to travel far to find exciting career opportunities at top companies. The College offers several networking events that give students the chance to connect with Carthage alumni, develop contacts, 练习找工作的技巧. 校园里的新成员是 The Aspire Program这是全球十大赌钱排行app的职业准备项目. The program’s approach to career success helps students prepare for life after graduation. Through the program, students design a plan to help them set goals for the future. Students also get early access to career advisors and a wide range of experiential learning opportunities.



6. Day trips to Chicago

芝加哥是一座世界级的城市, 这里有海军码头等顶级景点, Willis Tower, Millennium Park, 举世闻名的建筑, 以及顶级的戏剧和音乐活动. So how to see it all? Just hop on 地铁的联合太平洋/北线 from Kenosha. 火车站离校园10分钟路程, and on weekends, 只要花10美元,你就可以得到一张可以无限次乘坐的通行证.


Students can explore the art, architecture, theatre, concerts, great restaurants, and more in Mil...

7. Day trips to Milwaukee

If Chicago is the “Second City,” consider Milwaukee a close third. 密尔沃基离校园北部只有一个小时的车程,那里有很多艺术作品, architecture, theatre, concerts, great restaurants, 还有各种各样的夏季节日, including SummerFest. There’s even a 哈雷戴维森博物馆.



8. Classes on the rocks

Our science center includes an outdoor classroom with stone seating and a whiteboard. 很难找到一个视野更好的教室了.


The Pike River offers countless other research opportunities in and around our 80-acre campus.

9. 淡水研究机会

如果你对 chemistry, environmental science, geoscience, or biology看看窗外就知道了. Lake Michigan provides 1,180立方英里的培养皿电位, and the Pike River offers countless other research opportunities in and around our 80-acre campus. This freshwater ecosystem is the ideal environment to roll up your pant legs, get to work, 并做出一些惊人的发现.



10. Hide … or seek

Want some peace and quiet? Done. Prefer a little noise? No problem. 在全球十大赌钱排行app,你可以两全其美. 选择你的心情. 当你想要一点宁静的时候, our campus in Kenosha’s Alford Park offers plenty of space to exhale. Hike through the arboretum or relax on the Red Bridge overlooking the Pike River. 当你在寻找活动的时候, the campus is just 10 minutes from two downtown areas offering shopping, restaurants, coffee houses, grocery stores, farmers’ markets, entertainment, and two stunning harbors. North, you get Milwaukee. South, you get Chicago. Anywhere you look? 正是你要找的.


At the Dinosaur Discovery Museum, students can check out interactive exhibits, fossils, and life-...

11. 画廊、剧院和博物馆

There are over 27 art galleries, a dozen museums, and nine theatres within 25 miles of Carthage. Just a few: 基诺沙的恐龙发现博物馆 and Civil War Museum; Racine’s nationally recognized Racine Art Museum; Chicago’s Art Institute of Chicago and Steppenwolf Theatre; and the Milwaukee Art Museum, internationally regarded for its collection and design by architect Santiago Calatrava.



12. 值得一看的旅游景点

Kelly Siebert ’25他来自伊利诺伊州的苏黎世湖.来到基诺沙寻找一些最好的景点. One of her favorite spots is Anna’s on the Lake, a notorious study spot with excellent coffee. “You can look right on the lake and see seagulls gracefully flocking everywhere, creating a perfect and relaxing environment to study or hang out with friends.” Other spots in Kenosha she recommends includes: the AMC movie theater, The Spot Drive-In, 还有杰瑞·史密斯南瓜农场, a local pumpkin patch. “It reminds me of going to pumpkin patches when I was younger and brings back many memories!” 



The Caf offers new food stations and an outdoor patio overlooking Lake Michigan.

13. 拥有五星级景观的自助餐厅

全球十大赌钱排行app,即使是自助餐厅也有美丽的景色. 全球十大赌钱排行app餐厅,或者 The Caf, offers new food stations and an outdoor patio overlooking Lake Michigan.


Cheese curds

14. The food

The Caf offers amazing views, but when you’re ready to dine off campus, you won’t be disappointed. This area of Wisconsin is known for culinary treats like frozen custard, Friday night fish fry, cheese curds, Danish kringle, Chicago-style pizza, and brats. Kenosha’s Frank’s Diner was 美食频道的专题节目. And pizza? You could eat pizza from a different Kenosha pizzeria every single day for a month, 你还可以去几家披萨店试试. 20英里以内有50多家披萨店. Some argue Kenosha’s version of Chicago-style deep dish is better than the big city; others stick with thin crust. We say try both.



15. Feathered, furry friends

学生并不是唯一把全球十大赌钱排行app当成家的人. 我们的校园也是一个野生动物保护区和植物园, 吸引各种游客, from foxes and turtles to geese and the occasional bald eagle — even a turkey!



16. Go Pack— er, Bears! Go Cubbies! We mean Brewers!

Sports fan? 不仅是全球十大赌钱排行app 27个NCAA三级项目(28个校队项目) but there’s no shortage of professional sports within an hour’s drive. From the historic Wrigley Field to the modern Miller Park在美国,体育迷可以在四季中找到独特的体验. 附近的球队包括芝加哥小熊队, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers, Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks, Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers, and Chicago Blackhawks. 寻找不同的东西? 查看您可能不熟悉的团队, 比如芝加哥的大联盟足球队, the Chicago Fire, 密尔沃基海军上将队是曲棍球迷的最爱.


Carthage in the fall.

17. Fall

他们说威斯康辛州的秋天只持续两周. 但那两周太棒了.


Wisconsin winters bring skiing, ice skating, sledding, and snowmen.

18. Winter snow days

They don’t happen often, but sometimes you can trade in books and professors for boots and snowmen. 校友们还在谈论2011年的土拨鼠日, when a blizzard dumped nearly two feet of snow on Kenosha and winds created drifts of 7-9 feet. 威斯康辛的冬天也有滑雪运动, ice skating, 和雪橇(有时在洗衣篮里) Lentz hill).



19. Thinking spring

有时冬天是残酷的. 所以当太阳出来,天气变暖的时候, 每个人都从宿舍出来看排球比赛, beach reading, outdoor music classes, 穿着人字拖愉快地漫步. We survived!


Two friends hug in the A. W. 星巴克附近的克劳森中心.

20. Midwest nice

It’s a thing. Kenosha is the fourth-largest city in Wisconsin, but it still retains a small-town feel. 你会注意到“中西部好”在校园内外.

Josh Maraldo ’26 亲身经历过. 来自一个比全球十大赌钱排行app大得多的学校, 他喜欢这个小校园,几乎可以认识每个人.

“At Carthage, I feel like I’ve seen everybody at least once and know a bunch of people, 这真的很酷,” he explained. “这是一个非常紧密的社区.”


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